Democrats will hopefully bring positive change to our government. This is a crucial time in American politics, and the decisions made by this congress and president should focus on foreign and domestic issues that affect our society. After 9/11, I thought the Democrats, in my lifetime, would never win a majority in the house and senate. The republican trend after 9/11 seemed strong and enduring. An opposing voice to republican policy did not exist and I thought it was because Americans agreed with the GOP. I was afraid that Americans were more conservative than I once assumed. On Tuesday Americans proved me wrong by voicing their opposition to GOP policy. The democrats, if they wish to maintain control of congress, need to learn from republican mistakes and maintain a moderate stance on issues.
The question that I pose is whether this election was won because of voter disapproval of President Bush or because the republicans have alienated moderate voters. It is probably a combination of many factors, but I think that it was mostly the fault of President Bush’s policy. If the democrats wish to maintain power they must create a clear message and agenda. They should not be afraid to oppose the president. It is clear that the American people are dissatisfied with his job performance, so I think the democrats should put pressure on him, which is something they have not done since he has been president. They need to press the issues and force the president to either cooperate or defend his unpopular decisions. Congress needs to focus on uniting issues instead of divisive ones; issues such as, the budget deficit, minimum wage, the war in Iraq, and alternative energy. Issues such as gay marriage, prayer in school, and flag burning should take a back seat to the more important issues.
The question that I pose is whether this election was won because of voter disapproval of President Bush or because the republicans have alienated moderate voters. It is probably a combination of many factors, but I think that it was mostly the fault of President Bush’s policy. If the democrats wish to maintain power they must create a clear message and agenda. They should not be afraid to oppose the president. It is clear that the American people are dissatisfied with his job performance, so I think the democrats should put pressure on him, which is something they have not done since he has been president. They need to press the issues and force the president to either cooperate or defend his unpopular decisions. Congress needs to focus on uniting issues instead of divisive ones; issues such as, the budget deficit, minimum wage, the war in Iraq, and alternative energy. Issues such as gay marriage, prayer in school, and flag burning should take a back seat to the more important issues.
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